Letter to Jhonny Hallyday

Letter to Jhonny Hallyday

That look of yours said it all without a word; Perhaps the clarity of your eyes reflected the purity of your soul


We were sure. We even loved Sylvie Vartan.



From those speculations of Antoine to rhythm of harmonica (with the idea of getting into a cage of lions).



What to say about your songs for Laura, for the world.


And your long hair and short ideas (Dada-DANDAN) everything was going downwind.




Your golden hair full of snails and your dreamy eyes, were like an emblem of France that was a great war since that landing in Normandy.


I have been told that you have gone to meet with Edith Piaf, Jaques Brel, Elvis Presley, Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Marlei, Jhon Lennon, Freddie Mercury, David Bowie… You're on the other side of the story.


Our bones were spent at the stroke of Twist, Rock & Roll and Beatlesmania, our minds continued to dance obstinately not to lose those images.


Europe engulfed us with its euro € while the prophets were surfing the internet and the gurus warned us of a great bubble…


Like the one I have in my heart to find out that we have to go on without you. Your legacy is in each one of us.


Dear Jhonni Hallyday, thank you for: "Allumer le feu"


Allumer le feu, Allumer le feu Et faire danser les diables et les dieuxes Allumer le feu, Allumer le feu Et voir grandir la flame dans vos yeux…