The 7 Secrets you don't know about our loafers

The 7 Secrets you don't know about our loafers

We have been spending time here every Monday, starting the week together, in front of the screens taking our first coffee of the week.


You know us, we're family.

The fact is that today we want to open a little more to you-if you can-and tell you 7 data that you may not know about us.

So are we, so are our moccasins:

  1. The moccasins are born on the side of a mountain in the countryside of Ibiza: Everything has a context and this is ours. We are surrounded by nature and peace. We firmly believe that it is the ideal place to create.

  2. The main secret of these moccasins are the materials that compose them and the way to assemble them: we have years of work and experience behind us, and we have never formed, we have always sought excellence, both in materials and in Creation processes. The result is a single piece.

  3. The people who dress our moccasins have a high sensory qualification: they are able to appreciate the good materials, the design and the experience that offers to dress them. They know what they want, and that's why they repeat.Camel

  4. If you have a good skin, you can't-or should-do a bad job. As they say a great power carries a great responsibility, and ours is that, be able to do a good job following the highest standards of quality. Create unique moccasins and that in turn, these believe a unique experience in the walk of the person who saw them.

  5. The trust that people offer is sacred, it is necessary to keep it looking after every detail. We are proud to write that there is a community of moccasin lovers repeating year after year. They are our raison d'être and our true mission is to be able to maintain and pamper our family with exclusive moccasins made for them.

  6. All our skins are bought in Spain. From here it is much easier to check the colors, textures and quality of the material in general.

  7. We are dedicated to the creation of unique and artisan moccasins because we like what we do, we are passionate. No one is here by obligation, we are all of our own volition and conviction that what we are doing has an incalculable value. The satisfaction of doing what we do we could hardly find it outside this workshop.

    You want to see the result of all this?Silver


Today we have taken a step further in this relationship, we have opened up a little more.

We hope you liked what you have read as much as you appreciate our products.

For any question, you know that we are on the other side of the screen. Always at a distance email,

#tallermocasin @taller_mocasin

Haizea de Pedro

Creative writer