Pictures of Moccasins: This was my secret, not now.

Pictures of Moccasins: This was my secret, not now.

(This post is dedicated to Jesus, my invisible Friend) To take a picture, the really important thing is the light. Artificial light as its name indicates is an artifice. The natural light, is the focus of the gods knowing the secret is almost something like the Oracle formerly practiced by the Greeks. Know the secret… That of the light, that floods us, and gives us life. Of that light that the painters and the Cosmologists seek, the secret of the light that allowed to paint Velazquez. Or it allows us to transmit what we see, dare of the look or the photograph. I tell you: there is a moment in the light, in which everything lights up but gives no shade, that moment is the ideal:-the moment when there is no shadow, nothing more than clarity flooding and transpassing the soul of things. This was my secret. The plane to find it and find it: first thing in the morning to the last of the afternoon all this and something else in: the French version: