Walker, are your tracks the way and nothing else; Walker, there is no way, it makes way to walk. As you walk the road is made, and when you look back you see the path that you never have to step back. Walker there is no way but stelae in the sea.
Only He, Antonio Machado, could say truths like temples with that style, so pure… Only when walking is made way… And we want to make our way with you. You just have to choose the direction, the goal, the goal… where are you going?
We're with you!
Because following in the way of your dreams, we are closer to ours; Create a community of happy and satisfied pedestrians. We know that on the way there are always pieces that are very uphill, almost impossible. The road may be muddy or full of stones. You may walk by the hand of your partner and your children, or this stage may touch doing it alone. You may have the wind against it, or maybe the sun in favor. Who knows. You'll probably sing or whistle looking at the sky. You've seen millions of landscapes, you'll even think you've seen it all, until once again, the road surprises you. Deep down, we all know that the goal is not so important, as long as you have enjoyed the road. Of the good things and the bad things of it. We've been making loafers for a few years, believe me. For men, women and children. And it has not always been a way of roses that we say. But precisely that is what gives value to our moccasin, having fought and worked for him… Much more than 19 days 500 nights. For today to be able to break borders and make you come a pair of special moccasins, with meticulously cared designs and materials chosen accurately. For you. For your partner, your parents, your children, your siblings, your friends…. For all those who are important to you, and in turn, to us. Walker there is no way, he makes his way to walk.
Haizea de Pedro
Creative writer