Internet: Avalanche of incredible information. The arrival or not arrival of an email or a wasap, tends to stress and put the mood in an anxious situation. It also creates a hooking dependency. To put a stop to this immoderation is not easy. Scheduling the visualization of emails or wasaps, two or three times a day, is very difficult. Each time the display time intervals of what we review on our devices, is shorter, it seems as if we should look a solution to our destination. The immense puzzle of the internet also creates immense uneasiness. The theoretical advantages, which in principle are supposed, can become easily addicted. We are in front of a generation of hooked to all kinds of devices… And within a collective addiction, still not sufficiently studied. The network accepts everyone. It's Democratic. But like most good things, it's a multi-edged weapon. What do you use it for? What's the use of you? Obtaining results or their absence, are gravitational issues.. … TallerMocasin all this and something else in: The Web:, our biggest project, at your service. or the French version: